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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Blades

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I'm looking at picking up a pair of blades for the summer, I didn't do much blading last year, so I figured if I spend a bit of cash on a new pair it will force me to get out some more this year.

I don't play much roller hockey, although I would love to, but I don't recall there being any leagues around my area. I still managed to play a few pickup games with a few friends last year. I'm sure there will be a few more this year. I mainly just skate for exercise and fun.

So, what are my options? The CCM Vectors got my attention first, but lately I really like the design of the Mission blades. They don't look so much like a hockey skate.


1)Price - Best bang for your buck - Do you actually get what you pay for? Mission for example: Helium 350 VS 950. Really worth the extra coin? I suppose it's not recommened to buy 950's when you'll just use them outdoors 95% of the time!?

2)Performance - A)Playing Hockey B)Just blading C)Speed - Any blades out there considerable faster then the others? I'm talking about when you go out for a few hours blading, my current pair of Dorfin 4(Nike) that I paid like $140.00 CAN for feel like I have to work so hard just to keep moving. Likely has something to do with the roads around here, some places are terrible.

3)Look - I like flashy blades. I consider the Mission's Helium 950 nice looking. I was always a big fan of white skates/blades.

4)Quality - Wear and Tear

Thanks for any help

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Does anyone have any advice? I would like to place an order in the next couple days. Right now I figure I'm going to go with the Helium 550s. I had my eye on the 950's, but I doubt I need a top notch pair just to blade on the ashphalt the majority of the time. Although, I love the look of the 950s.

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If you want to go with the HE 950s thats fine, but switch out the wheels if you'll be on asphalt.

1 - You get what you pay for. That said, just being outside will the performance matter? I'd go with some close-outs. Check Ebay, Hockey monkey & Hockey Giant. Maybe throw something up in our buy section.

2 - Bearings are generally the big "speed" factor, but won't be night and day. It'll help, but its nor a miracle worker. Keep them oiled and lubed and you should be good. Some people have found the Tours to give them a bit extra speed, I've never tried them, so I cannot personally comment

3 - Personal Prefrence

4- Mission has had some "creasing" issues with the He950, however their Warranty department is top notch, they either have solved this problem for your skates, or will solve any problems you may encounter. There seems to be alot of competition lately in the roller industry. I've never considered anything, but Mission, recently thats changed. Look at how much you are looking to spend, what you expect from the skates and what your willing to spend.

I really think Close-outs are the way to go for anyone looking for new skates, but especially people who are looking for "the best bang for their buck".

Good luck

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Hockeygiant and Hockeymonkey both have decent close-out selections. If you're looking onto asphalt play, I'd actually recommend a lower to mid level skate, as those are usually all you'll need for that. Nothing like sinking 300-400 in a pair of skates when 100 or 150 would've done the same job.

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Go with Eazy's advice and change the wheels if you get 950s everytime you go onto the Ashphalt. You might also want to look into older models of Mission skates. I have the '03 Mission R skates and they've held up fine on the ashphalt even though I've only used them a few times. I just find breaking into them is a rather long process.

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Well, I'm still looking, but like couple people mentioned, no need to spend the big cash when a cheaper pair will get the job done on the asphalt! It mainly comes down to the look of the skate, since I won't be trying any on. Since it will be over the net.

Any opinions on: Nike Air Pursuit/Zoom Air Inline Hockey Skates Fedorov

I really like the look of a white boot and I'm also a Fedorov fan.

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