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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kuzak Wheels

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I have a few guys who just invested $70 for 8 before tax on some Kuzak wheels. All I've seen of these, just a glance skating by, is that they are white Kuzaks with purple writing. 74A as well, if anyone knows the name of the wheels I am talking about and can give me some feedback that'd be great. Also if anyone can post the addy for the official site that'd be great as well.

Sorry I can't find out more about these.

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oh man when ever i see someone walking into the change room saying they just got new wheels i always end up laughing my ass off when ever i see those kuzak wheels. i think the clear purple ones are really popular up here in canada. anyways trust me you don't want to have anything to do with those wheels or any other the has the name kuzak on it. TRUST ME when i say that your friends just got rapped! :lol:

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oh man when ever i see someone walking into the change room saying they just got new wheels i always end up laughing my ass off when ever i see those kuzak wheels. i think the clear purple ones are really popular up here in canada. anyways trust me you don't want to have anything to do with those wheels or any other the has the name kuzak on it. TRUST ME when i say that your friends just got rapped! :lol:

I just got a set of those clear purple kuzaks i ordered them from hockey giant when they were on sale. It all worked out to round $15 cdn for a set of 8 wheels, so i'm not complaining if they don't work out.

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Kontaks were good for the time, but I think the only other real choices back then were mister stickys and formula gs

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stickys were kryptonics, werent they?

yes they were. You have the mister Sticky's and the wicked sticky's (made for mini bearings I believe)

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ya but back there i don't remember many places if any with sportscort. i only i do remember using formula Gs on wood and cement painted with some really sticky paint though and they worked like a charm but then again any wheel works like a charm on those surfaces. use those kuzak wheels for 2 games and then tell me how they are after that outerlayer wears out, you'll be falling all over the place.

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I have never really liked kuzak wheels. I have never really heard anything good about kuzak wheels I do know though that they are very cheap. If you are playing on like a concrete outdoor rink I could say they would be a good wheel. I think that your best bet would be going with Rink Rat hot shot wheels which can be bought for 6 or 7 dollars or a set of Labeda millenniums which are around 7 dollars for the middle class weal. If you got some money and want some of the best wheels on the market I would go with the Labeda pro dynasty which is around 10 dollars a wheel. The Rink rat hornet wheal which is also around 10 dollars. For people that have been playing roller hockey for along time or just play roller hockey I would go with the Labeda wheels. If you have played ice hockey and have started to play Roller and want the feel of ice skating Rink Rat and there patented technology is created to give you more of that feel. I myself prefer Labeda. I have a pair of Labeda pro dynasties and love them. I would in my advice steer clear of kuzak wheals.

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There are not my wheels. They are friends. Living in Canada good wheels are hard to come by. I have Hotshots and Hornets on my skates, but went to ALOT of trouble to get them. I've only ever seen 1 store carry Dynasty's and to be honest, I didn't like them when I had them. The selection is very limited and the prices are very high. I have steered them in a better direction for wheels, but for many of my team, this is their first year playing and they are unaware. Match that with the difficulty of "good wheels" and its a difficult purchase. RR Hortnets are $60CAD per 4pack here.

I am starting to think that these are updated Kontaks to be honest, since apperantly nobody can confirm what they are, I'll see how they are on the guys (if they keep them) then throw up some initial thoughts. That way other guys may get some information if they find these for az better price, because I believe there are much better wheels out there for the price, the problem is finding them in our area with a game Tuesday night and Exams all week.

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ya i live in canada b.c myself and i've only ever seen one store carry any rinkrat wheels (hotshots). it's the hockey shop by surrey central but they are a total rip off, $60 canadian for 4 wheels! :angry: i've always got wheels online myself from epuck or hockeymonkey and for $60 canadian you could get 8 hotshots from them. i have yet to see a shop that sells wheels for a decent price up here.

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