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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What skates?

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Hey, I'm joining a rec roller league for fun so its not really competitive. My question is comfortable for a 100-150 CAD price range? I have some quest 2's with rockers right now and the heel is to small, and the boot is to high. Suggestions for any cheap blades from places like sportmart or sportcheck? The lhs around here don't have much inline stuff, the chasis don't really matter because I can probably switch them with my rockers.

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I was thinking of getting my Graf Elites converted but it would probably cost more than $150 to buy a new chasis(rocker chasis is a bigger size than the graf boot), wheels, bearing etc.

Edit:If anyone knows of any canadian sites with close out skates in size 7-7.5 EE let me know thanks in advance.

p.s If I have a size 8D quest 2 what size in mission will the tuuk rocker fit on?

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I suggest grabbing some off the board if possible, if not just goto the Sports Cheks and Sports mart and get the best value you can.

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Thanks for the info, I'm going to Sportmart and Sportcheck in a few hours, going to look at some older Missions, or possibly Nike ignites if they have a different fit than the quests, I've heard the ignites are comfortable.

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Converting your grafs would probably be your best bet in skates. I where a 705 boot on a sensor frame/chasse I find them to be my best skates ever. But getting a good frame and baring will cost a lot also the balance of the frame there will probably have to be a sheet of a plastic or something between the frame and the boot which will make hardware cost more this is because the cut of the boot on Graf’s can be a dramatic cut. In the long run that cut in the boot should actually help you with maneuverability. If you want to go out and get Roller blades I would suggest ether a pare of clearance missions (Last years model’s) or the tour max 700’s you might want to also go out and get some new wheels also.

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Sent to me from a friend. I think one guy ordered off the site and asked me my opinion of the skates. He is now considering it.

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That shop is in the same city as me might as well check it out-it is a shop right?not just a warehouse or something?

Edit:are the prices in canadian or u.s currency? I just bought some Vapour LE's from sportmart but I might checkout the Mission D2s

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hey blues_91 you playing in Pitch these year then since you live in richmond?

i don't think that is even a store... no real store would put up a site like that. notice that the map doesn't work on the site. i've also worked at the richmond centre sportschek for 2 years as a manager and i've never heard of that store.

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What's pitch? I'm playing in the RYRHL, it's not that competitive but it's fun just to fool around in. Only a few bantam AAA and B players, mostly house and some non-ice players.

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That shop is in the same city as me might as well check it out-it is a shop right?not just a warehouse or something?

Edit:are the prices in canadian or u.s currency? I just bought some Vapour LE's from sportmart but I might checkout the Mission D2s

I assume its a store, but am not 100% sure. I knew you lived out that way and was hoping you could stop by. There's a number on the site, call'em up and find some info out.

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The adresses are weird, ones located in near Point Grey and Another is in Richmond I assume there are two stores? The site seems kind of fishy to me.

Edit:The quote on the site says "Hockey is are hertiage" not "hockey is our heritage".

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