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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm externo outcast

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Can anyone tell me , perhaps who had these skates a little about them. Would you prefer these skates over tour ones or maybe some other.

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The outcasts are great skates if they fit your feet. The toebox was too narrow, causing me alot of pain. This years Vector line is much wider in the toebox, similar widthwise to this years Tours.

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ive found that if you play ice hockey, stay away from tour as the heel of tour is more vertical than ice skates. other than that i wudnt kno i use some Vapor XXX's with my labeda sensor chassis.

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I've had a pair of Outcasts for the past two seasons now and they are pretty comfortable skates and fairly durable. They don't come with very good wheels and the mini bearings didn't last too long so I would probably look at the new PF8's (which have awesome wheels) or something else - unless its a super good deal. :)

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I tried Outcasts for a few hockey sessions, but had to put them on the shelf.

I experienced pretty fierce lace bite and pain where the toe cap meets the boot (no padding there whatsoever).

The quality of the boot seemed very good, however - except for the lack of any padding or liner in the spot noted above. In addition, the boot is very stiff even after baking...

I much prefer the Nike Hi-Ho Silvers, which are incredibly comfortable and allow a nice amount of flex (while staying firm) for an aggressive forward leaner like me.

I'm about to try out some Tour Blue Max's although they seem very upright and almost as stiff as the Outcasts. Just trying them on, I can tell that I might have some lace bite issues as with the Outcasts...

I tried D1C's, but couldn't keep my heel down in them due to the DNA system.

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I had this exact same problem

"I experienced pretty fierce lace bite and pain where the toe cap meets the boot (no padding there whatsoever)"

My second problem is that the chassis started to bend after about 15 games. I switched to Tours and never looked back

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I'm still using the Mavericks - the one model down from the Outcasts, and I love them. They were a little narrow where the toebox meets the boot, but by missing the first eyelet it was OK, and it stretched out a bit, so now they're fine there, and very comfortable everywhere else.

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i've been using mine for a while. i like them just fine, but i'm having the same narrow toe box thing. other than that, pretty good skates.

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Can we please stop making general sweeping notions about what is right and wrong for other people and their skating?

The Outcasts weren't for everyone, very stiff with a narrow toe box...if you get them now..3 years after the launch..make sure you're getting a deal...

as for the Tour comment

ive found that if you play ice hockey, stay away from tour as the heel of tour is more vertical than ice skates. other than that i wudnt kno i use some Vapor XXX's with my labeda sensor chassis.

well the Vapor XXX is about as far away as some Tour skates as you'll find..however it doesn't make it wrong for ice guys..it makes it wrong for you..yes its not as aggressive in the forward pitch (even the new Code 1) as a Vapor series or most Mission models, but it has some..like a Supreme or other traditional line

Keith Primeau used to wear their 982 Fishbone boot on the ice actually....and enough NCAA kids, and minor pros wear their stuff to play roller, they are a solid #2 behind Mission...and that list includes current #3 ranked CSB player Bobby Ryan

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