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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

My kid's team going to Europe

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My daughter's U-19 coach just announced he is taking the team to Europe next season, during the winter break between Christmas and New Year's. They plan to go to Germany, the Czech Republic and probably Switzerland to play some women's club teams and possibly some of the women's national teams.

Cool! B)

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That's pretty sweet. I'm going to Europe in August for a month to play in Germany, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, etc. It should be really fun.

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I don't have an itinerary yet; the coach announced after tryouts this week who had made the team and then announced which tournaments they would play in the U.S. and Canada next season, and then said we're going to Europe over winter break, more details to come.

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where exactly in germany?

If you were asking me Zak, I'm going to Iserlohn (SP?), only for 2 nights and then moving on to the Czech Republic.

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My dad got a E-mail asking me to try out for a team that goes to Europe next year. So I'm gonna tryout and hopefully I make it.

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where exactly in germany?

If you were asking me Zak, I'm going to Iserlohn (SP?), only for 2 nights and then moving on to the Czech Republic.

wow iserlohn is just 1 hr away from me. inside the rink, upstairs, is a big hockey store, which is like the biggest around here. i guess its kinda tiny compared to yours.

iserlohn is like west germany and the czech rep is on the eastern german border, have fun while traveling thru germany.

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