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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I dont know whether to believe it or not

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it isnt...if you read down more it says "You have just been April Fooled!"

thats not about the tupac story, its just a link to a TOP STORIE like all those other links with it

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it was april 4th.....quoted from the site...

Unexpected twist: Tupac Shakur alive and well

By Robert Spencer

For CNN.com

Monday, April 4, 2005 Posted: 8:40 AM EST (1340 GMT)

Tupac Shakur at a private conference late last night



Frank Miller

Robert Rodriguez


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(CNN) -- Rap star Tupac Shakur appeared yesterday in Beverly Hills and casually strolled through the streets as if the rest of the world had forgotten his "murder" nearly nine years ago.

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