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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Finds

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I got a pair of nike quest 3 skates like 2-3 years ago for like 35 bucks. Too bad I had to send them back and get a refund because the idiot sent me two LEFT skates.

On the good side of ebay, I got Roenick, Lecavalier, and Datsyuk auto'd 8x10's for like 45 US including shipping. Got a Sanderson authentic CBJ jersey for 45 US. Also, an autographed 2000-2001 CBJ team auto'd stick for 55 US. My dad has gotten some great deals on camera equip. on ebay. He also sold some really old lens he bought for like 100 bucks for like 1300 US.

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Got a iPod for $200 but UPS lost it and I still Have'nt got my repalcement yet. I got like a $150 CD player for $35 and thats it for good deals. I was looking at a Prada jacket that went for 50 bucks and the guy said it was worth $1100.

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I found a bunch of Vinyl Albums by one of my favorite rock groups, The Power Station along with an copy of one of their cd's that is out of print.

A year and a half ago I got my camera and accessories that I use for work for $1800 (Regular Price here in NYC is abou $3000)

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Oh man, Marty was one of my all time favorites when he was with the Pens...I would wish I had that thing back too! he was the man!

It's OK. I know the guy who owns it and it's in good hands. Here's a pic of it from his website...186701515XSRqxi_ph.jpg

I also had Marty's rookie Pens jersey (he has that too) and Makus Naslunds rookie year jersey.

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Back in the summer of 02' I got my first Synergy for $110 with free shipping off from ebay, I couldn't believe it the lady said her son didn't want it and didn't know what price to sell if for.

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i got my vector pf8's last year for $85...retail $239 on hockeymonkey.

got 2 vapor xv tapered shafts for $80 shipped...both brand new.

have purchased several blades for way under retail...

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I am waiting for my first ebay find but I always get outbid in the last 30 seconds.

Yeah same here...I found a Z Carbon Si Core for 20.00 USD Brand New...ended up getting outbid in the last minute :angry:

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I am waiting for my first ebay find but I always get outbid in the last 30 seconds.

Yeah same here...I found a Z Carbon Si Core for 20.00 USD Brand New...ended up getting outbid in the last minute :angry:

Don't bid till the last 20-30 seconds and you won't get outbid.

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I am waiting for my first ebay find but I always get outbid in the last 30 seconds.

Yeah same here...I found a Z Carbon Si Core for 20.00 USD Brand New...ended up getting outbid in the last minute :angry:

Don't bid till the last 20-30 seconds and you won't get outbid.

I think that is the experienced ebayer's "Method Of Operation"!!!!!

If people want something, they don't bid at all and wait till the last minute to pounce on it so they don't have a second chance to rebid.

I thought for sure I got these Purefly's but the person who outbid me even got outbid by another person within the last 30 seconds.

I am surprised I just see 1 person bidding on an item and wins it.

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