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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector waranty question

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CCM payed for my shipping both ways on my broken Vector, they had UPS come to my house and pick it up.

Personally I think they will replace the stick even though it is a few days over, a company generally wants to make its consumer happy.

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Guest phillyfan

Gooch:That's exactly the sort of service fellow teamates of mine have encountered.

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Im not sure how it broke. The stick is still intact, but when I shoot on the backhand or deke to backhand it makes this cracking noise and you can see the stick flex inward. There is a visible crack on the forehand side and on the top of the shaft where the blade meets the shaft. One slapper and this stick is done.

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Just give them a call, the worst that can happen is they say no. Just remember to be polite since it is past warenty and you are basically asking for a favor from the CS rep. You might get lucky.

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Guest phillyfan

If you have no luck with a replacement, you can still salvage the shaft! You won't have to drop another $135, maybe $45 if you're looking for antoher CCM Vector Composite blade.

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Now again, don't attack me for asking this, but I bought a si-core blade, used it once and it has a very bad crack right along the bottom. Now I'm not asking if I should send it back for a warranty check, but what I can't understand is that if a blade in an OPS stick breaks that a warranty replacement is usually available, but a regular blade there is none? Also, everyone should remember that the price of OPS probably reflect the fact that they know their stick will break and that most everyone tries for a warranty replacement.

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Since the vector is not in half right now and just a small crack, u cant expect ccm to give u a brand new vector cuz of a crack, these are performance sticks not durability sticks but if u ask polity and tell them how this crack is effectiving the stick they will be glad to take it into the labs and examine the damage cuz cracks can be avoidable and if ccm figures what caused the crack then their products can be better and they will be greatful u brought this to their attention but atleast u can argue that the stick shouldnt be so inconsistent and ask for a taper blade so u can have a one piece again.

CCM is a huge company and if buying u a taper blade will satifisy their customer i dont see why not since they are making millions.

A tapered blade is what u should be expecting instead of a brand new vector cuz stuff like that happens in sticks cracks are not manufactor defect they are more like material problems and i think the model u talked aobut is discontiued and they could probally care less about that model and how it breaks.

Bottom line express ur concerns but not by saying how much u spent on it and how bad it is, just state that the product's materials were inconsitent causing my disatisfaction and how the shaft's crack is a major problem.

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Some people have had Easton, or their local shop, replace the blade while others have been denied. For the price that they are charging for blades, they may have to consider putting a warranty on them.

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Well the problem is that I bought it about 2 weeks ago and haven't used it since the time I once used it (about 2 weeks ago), even though there is barely any wear, it may seem a bit suspicious.

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Guest phillyfan

14 days isn't bad, still under a warranty period if they would have one. Worth a shot calling he warranty department, they should do something to compensate you, $50 blade is almost as much as some of their shafts with warranties.

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Well the problem is that I bought it about 2 weeks ago and haven't used it since the time I once used it (about 2 weeks ago), even though there is barely any wear, it may seem a bit suspicious.

Take it back to where you bought it. They may replace it on their own for you. Asking for more then one game out of a blade isn't too much to ask.

I broke a blade a couple of years ago on the first shift with it. I went back to the shop I got it from the next day to just buy a replacement and the guy remembered me from the day before. He asked my why I was buying a new blade already and I told him. He told be to bring back what was left and the reciept and he would replace it for free for me. I thought that was a pretty cool thing to do.

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