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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby to Europe?

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Many highly touted players have had somkinda incident/person/event etc that seemed to have an effect on them that could have kept them from becoming what they were hyped to be and Lindros and Spezza are two names that quickly pop into my head. Could the lockout be an issue that effcts Crosby in a negitive way?

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From a purely selfish point of view, I'd like to see that, because I'm gonna be living in Austria next year - and I'd get to see him play. Which would be pretty cool :D

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I think if Rimouski doesn't win the Memorail Cup this year Crosby might as well come and win it that way he can't have any excuses about playing in defensive europe

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Rimouski's gotta get thru Chicoutimi first and they had a big win the other night.

then they gotta beat Halifax and they are playing really good and they got a hot goaltender. (Go Moose Go)

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