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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Montreal Wood Sticks

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Has anyone used either of the following wood sticks, if so, how did you like them?

- Montreal 9988 X3M Light

- Montreal 6600 Ultralight

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My roommate is using a 6600 UL that he got from our LHS for $17, which seems like a good deal to me. I remember paying twice that for a montreal. Anyways, he seems to like it, but it has sort of an unusual curve on it...thats why it was cheaper I think. I bought a montreal 9914 from the same place for $15 that I'm currently using for roller hockey. Great price, but crappy curve. It's called an "R-Special" curve...whatever that means. To summarize, this place has some unusual montreal curves. Anyways, he likes the 6600 to answer your question.

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what flex because my LHS said that the lightest woody on the market is an Easton z-carbon

The new montreal is much lighter. I used to use the z-carbons but I couldn't afford to keep breaking them.

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