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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X Blade

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I couldn't find too much in the search on this blade. I've poked around a few sites and seems that it isn't the lightest blade, at least not as light the Zcarbon. Does anyone know if it is the same blade that is in the XX and the XXX one-piece? I liked the blade in my XX, so I was hoping this would be the same, as produced by Innovative. Also, anyone know how feel and durability are? Thanks.

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No no no. The X blade is for standard shafts (Red Lite, M2, Ultra Lite). What Cavs is saying is that the material is the same, and basically the same blade. The XX uses a taper so you need to use a tapered blade. So the Bauer XV, Synthesis, R2, and L2 will fit the XX shaft in the event of blade breakage.

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Cool! I pulled the blade out yesterday after about 10 minutes of heating. I want a Drury pattern but may go for the Kovalchuk. Thanks for the info.

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Just watch out. I've posted it b4, but you may not get the XV tapered blade to fit exactly where u pulled the old one out. I was able to get a Lville R2 blade in there, but not Easton or Mission. I did not try Bauer. If worse comes to worse, just cut a little off the bottom. Keep cuttin slight bits off until the tapered blade does get in there, it'll go eventually.

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Well I just ordered a XV in the Kovalchuk pattern. I can't imagine there would be too much difference since it is made by the same company. I'll let you know how it turns out.

That blade I had was weird when it broke. The blade was intact for the most part but there was some material broken out of the tip and made the blade flimsy and weak. So our season was over Sunday and out it came yesterday. I really like the feel of that stick.

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