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cascade lacrosse helmets

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hey im just curious is it worth it to fork over the money to buy one of thses or is ther anything similar and if anyone ahs one willing to sell it. also im curious as too what is so special about them see if you can conivnce me to buy it or not. Thanks

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What level are you playing at? This will determine which helmet you should get. I have a CPX, it is a great helmet. Before that I had a C-PRO, also a great helmet. Worth the investment. Honestly, all the other helmets (Stryke, Gait, etc.) aren't comparable. Worth your investment.

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woody21, the helmets are much like skates, they all fit differently and have different features, cantor if your price range is about $100 go with the clh2, if you can spend more, shop around, you'll be suprised at how nice some of the other lids are out there

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I personally love cascade helmets but like warrior said, helmets fit differently. With cascades, there are places where you can put padding in a slot to make it fit better in a few different places. The padding should come with the helmet. I would say go casade.

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I have found that if you put padding/take out padding in the uncomfortable areas, it feels a lot better. That's the good thing about Cascade, you can customize the helmet to better suit your needs. BTW, warrior who did you play Div. 1 lax for?

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sorry for the double post, but back to helemts: cascades are nice and ive used them and have two, but im in favor of stryke helmets, which is now warrior helmets as well. lax-world offers the "play lax" series of helmets which is kind of like an off brand of cascade. riddell makes a pretty awesome helmet they have made football helmets for years, but the brine ones have caught my attention. they are super comfy and offer a new spin on the face mask. the only helmet i will say i dont like is the gait. its an itech hc-100 with a moded up face mask on it, very flimsy for a lacrosse helmet and looks pretty awful. also im debating on ordering a mohawk nll cage for a bauer 4000 for box (imo much cheaper and better looking than the gait)

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Box is in something like a hockey rink, no ice

Field is on something like an outdoor soccer feild.

That's the main difference. Also in field, the players wear cleats and have slightly longer sticks than they would in box. A buddy of mine plays rep Box and Field Lacrosse and says field is more violent than box is. I've never watched a field lacrosse game so I wouldn't know.

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Mickz covered it. In field, there is less slashing, no to little cross checking, and way more open field hitting. The Defenseman (also called longpoles) have much longer sticks than other players so they can poke check from a distance. Goalies wear almost no equipment (chest protector, gloves, helmet, can). In box, goalies wear a ton of equipment and their job is to stop the ball, whereas in field the goalies' job is to catch the ball and make a play. I play both, and box is worse. Box is faster, faster plays. More action. Also, in field the attackman can not pass the center line, same with the defensemen who are covering those guys. Box also tends to be more creative with regard to the best players, but in field they are no slouches either.

They are pretty much entirely different games, aside from the equipment, shooting and passing.

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So...indoor lacrosse is box? Gotcha. I thought it was a total different game.

Pretty much it is, and sherwood21 basically gave the best explanation. I'd compare Box/Field to Ice/Roller hockey. It's somewhat similar but they have differences in equipment, rules and such.

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