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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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great idea

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I was just thinking... since so many people like change up their skate so much how come there isn't a site or shop that can do custom skates from top to bottom. almost like putting a computer together. you would choose your boot, laces, chassis, bearings, wheels, spacers and ect. would that be something most of you guys would be interested in? there must be a way to buy the boots by themselfs.

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i don't think there is much interest in the general public to start a venture like that..... the business would flop right away.... it's all about supply and demand... there would be very very very limited demand

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Usually when someone goes out and buys equipment, price plays one of the bigger factors in making a final decision. Buying a stock skate will most likely cost less than if you bought a custom made skate. You'd have to pay extra for drilling holes into the boot and then for them to install the chassis. Like gee2626 said, it's all about supply and demand but I don't really see a demand in having a custom skate right now. If a business focused solely on customizing skates, I don't think they'll last very long. However I think this is a good idea on the side and might benefit a couple companies if they offered this service.

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