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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eye question

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i had a sinus infection where i was put on a pill and some nosespray that gave me nosebleeds whicht hey said was normal. now however, sinus infection gone but my eyes have been beat red for like 4 days. i bought visisne advanced relief today but do you guys think there is anything i should/can do

btw i wear contacts but never had a problem, and ive been rubbing my eyes without contacts a lot olately, andi never had eye allergies


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It could be conjunctivitis, aka pink eye.

Go see a doctor and if it is the case that it's conjunctivitis, throw away those contacts and the case they were in. It's a stupid infection and really irritating to have because other than some antibiotics, it just has to run its course (about a week or two if it doesn't respond to antibiotics).

What is nice is that you're contagious as all hell! Mazel tov.

Edit- also, visine is useless. All it does is constrict the blood flow to your eyes so they don't appear as red. clear eyes is a bit better if your eyes are just itchy, as is something like liquid tears.

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that actually has happened to me like 5 times my eye looked like that but i didnt have a sinus infection or anything...i know someone whose dad is an eye surgeon and he said it got like that because i touch my eyes alot (because my contacts never stay focused and im always adjusting them) and like you said i touch my eyes like everyday but it only happend once in a while so what he said it was was just and eye iritaiton...all i did was wear my glasses and it went away in a week.

maybe that will help?

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