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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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school assignment

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so i ahve this assignment for class and id like to get as many responses as possilbe, it will only take a few mniutes of your time and any help would be greatly appreciated, all you have to do is write your definition of what a citizen is and who you think a good example is and why, also could your provide the folllwoing info in this order:



citizenship- (canadain, american etc)

definition of what a citizen is-

example and why-

thanks alot, if you dotn feel like posting the personal info please free to pm, you will not be contacted or anything its jsut for me, thanks guys

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name- Sean

age- 16

citizenship- Canadian

definition of what a citizen is- person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.

example and why- My neighbor, because he was born in Canada, is loyal to Canada, and fought for Canada in the war.

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name- Braden

age- 15

citizenship- canadian

definition of what a citizen is- A resident of a city or town or country who enjoys privilages there

example- People imigrate here and they eventually get to vote for who they think should be elected.

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