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Dave Chapelle 3rd season cancelled again

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Dave supposedly had a nervous breakdown which originally delayed it, but he still isn't up to the crazy schedule the show requires.

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If he was having problems with the show schedule, I'd like to see him work on the skits for a full year, taking alot of time, and just sell them as a DVD rather than a TV show. I've never even a full show because of the times its on and such, and I know alot of people are in the same boat as me. Love the show, but never get to see it.

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Just listening to Stern on the way in this morning... He reported that Dave became more of a practicing muslim and is now upset with some of the skits they recorded for the 3rd season, hence the further delay... :angry:

he talked about it for all of about a minute this morning...

I have not heard an "official" report on this though, again, just what I heard.

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