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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chiropractor Horror Story

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I was at the Chiropractors office getting an adjustment yesterday. The Chiropractor I usually have adjust me, so the other Doctor tried to adjust me. Big mistake. While he was doing the head twist thingy, he tore four muscles on the left side of my neck. Went to the hospital, & got out about 3:00 this morning. Just got back from being fitted into a neckbrace. The Doc told me that I can't drive for the next 3-6 weeks. My neck is so painfull that I haven't been able to move my head foreward or back. They gave me some painkillers to take at night. Hopefully, these will let me be able to sleep. Had to postpone my last 2 finals, and am on sick leave from work. I am waiting to hear back from an attorney about filing a claim. Ca-Ching! It honestly seemed like a mistake, so I am not going to try to sue him blind, just want my medical bills paid, and get reimbursed for work lost.

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It's stuff like this that makes me avoid chiropractors. I see a D.O. instead for anyissues with my back and neck, and couldn't be happier.

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It's stuff like this that makes me avoid chiropractors. I see a D.O. instead for anyissues with my back and neck, and couldn't be happier.

The Chiropractor I usually see used to be a DO. Unfortunately, my neck was tweaked enough that I couldn't wait until today.

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