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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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attn: montreal guys including goalies

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guys tonight i believe at pierrefonds 10 pm, i anticipate soem alright puck, get back at me in this thread so i know who is going

number there is 626 2500

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Hey yglod, how was it at Pierrefond?

I called the guy for the CCM league and I told him we are 3(me, my brother and you) who can go there on a pretty much regular basis. He will call me when there are some free spots and I'll tell you when we can go.

I was supposed to go last tuesday like I told you but I didn't went for some reasons. and for thursday, I was also supposed to be there but since it was the Canada day on friday, they didn't had a game like on the quebec day on the 24 of june.

It seems to be a good league because Luc told me there was 2 midget AAA and he told me it was terrible how they were bad,lol, and I think a couple of pros are going there sometimes.

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Hey guys, I would like to break my new skates and i have freetime

We could hook up a game or something...i prefer Pierrefond by the way!



Pm ME or post it here i will check...and oh...i play BTAA...i might not be SO BAD lol...

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