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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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spring clearance event at 1800 faceoff

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i got this email, jsut wanted to pass it along

Our annual Spring Clearance Event continues with

tons of great product available at incredible prices...

CCM E-60 Skates for only $149.99 (that's over $250 off the original price!)

Bauer Supreme 4000 Skates at $133.99 (30% off!)

Check out these 1-Piece composite sticks...

CCM Vector 110 JR for $89.99 (Reg. $129.99) and buy a 2nd for only $60!

Easton Pro Stock Synergy's and Si-Core's (LH only) marked down to $99!

Easton Si-Core GRIP ...Buy 1 for $139.99, Get a 2nd for only $110!

Easton Si-Core ...Buy 1 for $134.99, Get a 2nd for only $95!

Koho 4490 ...Buy 1 for $89.99 (Reg. $149.99), Get a 2nd for only $60!

Famous Brand Junior ...Buy 1 for $54.99 (Reg. $129.99), Get a 2nd for only $45!

and more so stock up now before they're gone!!!

PLUS Pants, Gloves, Protective, Bags and more.

Prices valid while supplies last. Items ordered after 4pm EST will ship the following business day.

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Do not reply to this email as it WILL NOT remove you from our list.

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