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Lecavalier vs Recchi Curves

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I currently have a Recchi curve (CCM stick) and also a Lindros curve (Bauer). Both sticks are in bad shape and I'm looking at new sticks. With the Recchi my shots seem to be lower and I have a hard time with slap shots (Could just be me though). It seems like I can lift the puck better with the Lindros curve but I mostly use the Recchi curve now.

I think I'm going to stay with either a CCM or Bauer stick, but I was looking at the Lecavalier curve. Will I have a hard time adjusting to this curve? CCM's site doesn't say much other than it's good for hard, fast rising slap shots while the Recchi is good for wrist shots and stick handling. I'm a forward so I do need something decent for stick handling. I know its all personal opinion, but just wanted to hear what others had to say about the 2 curves.

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I've used both, and have stuck with the Recchi. when i used the lecavilier curve, my shots went everywhere, so i went back to the Recchi curve. i liked the Vinny curve, but i just used that as a roller stick until i traded it for an M-1. IMO, i would stay Recchi

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I had the same problems with these two curves.

Recchi VECTOR 110: Great stickhandling and GREAT passing stick with fairly accurate wristers low and mid height. Not the best roofing down low patten however.

so I switched to Vapor XX 106 Jokinen pattern. Slap shots are very high and often sail over the net unless I hold back. The XX just cracked so I'll probably go back to the vector Recchi which is still in one piece after 30 plus games of hard adult play! One sturdy stick indeed which is more than I can say for the blade of the XX!

I'm interested in the CCM Bonk and Allison curves.... hhmmmmmm gear.......

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I haven't used the Recchi curve but I did use the Lecavlier, my shot was very hard with but I had no control, hte puck just flew everywhere when I shot so I had to change the curve. IMO with the lecavelier its very hard to control shots.

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hmm, everyone seems to find it hard to shoot with.. :rolleyes:

all the curves i've used were shannahan, thornton, sakic and lecavalier. IMO the Lecavalier is the best of all of them. I have a much harder shot with the Lecavalier than the Sakic and I can still aim the puck, stick handling is pretty much the same as it's ever been if not better and slapshots aren't too bad. The Lecavalier is pretty much the perfect curve for me.

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Have you looked at the Doan pattern? I went from the Recchi to the Doan and I am really liking it.

I haven't tried that one. I went to Modells and they had the Vector 120 OPS on sale for 99.99 and also Easton Synergy's for 119.99. Pretty good deal. They didn't have too many curves on the Vectors but I picked up a Thorton curve to have as a back up but will probably get a Recchi curve somewhere and stay with that as my primary.

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