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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi, I'm looking for an XN10, I herd so many good things about them that I'd like to try one, but the cheapest I could find on the internet was for 130$ and I was hoping I could find one for less. I need an intermediate so I can't get pro stock and I cheked ebay and there are no intermediates there, I also have this in the buy section looking for a new or used one and no one has responded. So does anyone know any stores that have them for less.


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Keep looking on ebay, there were some absurdly cheap ones there not too long ago.

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FYI- If MASSCLOSEOUTS sells them again on eBay, they are seconds. I picked one up for my son for $49 and it had a fairly large ding at the top of the shaft. Does not effect anything but..................

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
try a senior in whip flex,its the sAME AS AN INTERMEDIATE FLEX WISE BUT ITS A SENIOR STICK

Incorrect; even more so when you cut it.

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yea the int is 65 and the whip is 75.

my int response rubber said 75 flex on it ,so when did they change it to 65 when the newer sticks came out

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