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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Wood Synthesis vs Bauer 7500

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I haven't played in the longest time...my 7500 is worn out. I can only use wood blades, and R2's dont' cut it, hence why I use the 7500. Which is better out of the two? I already have a curve that I like (Jokinen).

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well I was under the impression that the Jokinen is quite similar to a Sakic. also, money is a factor in my decision...if the easton blade is cheaper (w/o the ugly R2 wood feel), then I'll be getting that instead

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My wood synthesis Sakic fell apart rather quickly and I did not like the curve as compared to the Iginla, but hey its only $20US

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well I was under the impression that the Jokinen is quite similar to a Sakic. also, money is a factor in my decision...if the easton blade is cheaper (w/o the ugly R2 wood feel), then I'll be getting that instead

they both have a few similarities, mainly loft and shape, but the actual curve is fairly different.

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sakic's a mid...jokinens a heel. i think the sakic's slightly more open too. the jokinen reminds me of a bigger modano, with a little bit of loft

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