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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The dekeing curve?

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Hands and practice. In time the curve doesn't matter. It just becomes (as everyone has stated) personal preference for overall use. I prefer a 1/2 open mid heel. (Drury/Kovy retail. Or p19)

I used closed face mids all through minor hockey and Junior, but because the person who gets me my sticks uses pro drury's, I've adapted.

After playing for 15 years, I could use Gordie Howes pattern and still be fine for handling the puck.

Bigger mids help in stickhandling because the stick does more work than your hands do, so in time you should try using less curve, and rely more on the skill you develop.

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I think it's important to mention that the shape of the toe can be very important to puckhandling. I like a round toe because I think it allows you to rocker the blade more, I have a Fedorov pro blade thats great for shooting but I have a harder time pulling off some of my favroite moves because the toe is so flat. But then there are some really weird patterns out there like Hull's that have a really weird toe and it's pretty hard to puckhandle with those (as you can tell by watching Brett ;) )

I second that :lol:

I find that any curve that is not a wedge with a non-square blade is good for me. I only ones i really hated was the CCM Lecavalier (square toe, big heel wedge). The pro Hull is decent, not great for toe-drags but its pretty balanced so i can still stickhandled okay with it.

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For someone with hands of stone like me, I prefer the Drury pattern for puckhandling because I have better control over the backhand.  But if it is my intention to deke, which to me means being able to draw the puck back in towards my body keeping it under control, I prefer to use a large hook like the obscene, infamous red jofa curve.

ive used all kinds of curves, from Modano-Brendl. you can make a case for any of them being the best, as it is all personal preference. I, personally, prefer a curve similar to the TPS Tucker. My favorite is the Dandenault.

What does the Dandy curve look like?

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