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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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choosing stick.....

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I haven't been here in over a year, and the intermediate XN10 that I got from the first batch made is too whippy. I am looking at 85 flex eastons or maybe whip/regular flex TPS. How does whip flex compare to intermediates on the TPS? Because the int. is definitely too whippy. But I was thinking about XN10 R2, Si-Core, or Stealth. How is the Stealth? I'm sure all of these questions are stupid and easy to answer but I haven't been here in over a year, and I haven't shopped for sticks in even longer.

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When it comes to the Stealth, many people have different opinions. A lot of people have problems with the durability, but then again, others don't. Basically, it's a 50/50 thing. I would steer away from it though, IMO it's not worth $200+

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Xn10 - Whip is around a 75, Int is around a 65. The Whip is longer, so when you cut it down it will also stiffen

Si-Core - pretty self explanitory, it's been discontinued, I liked mine, but it was also the only stick offered with everything I was looking for

Stealth - Flex seems a little whippier than usual. An 85 should play more like an 80 or possibly a 75.

We have the flex chart in the upper right hand corner. I've used all 3 and believe the shot velocity of the Xn10 was unmatched by the others, but the Stealth did feel very nice in my hands as well, but I had some issues with the curve.

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When it comes to the Stealth, many people have different opinions. A lot of people have problems with the durability, but then again, others don't. Basically, it's a 50/50 thing. I would steer away from it though, IMO it's not worth $200+

i think the stealth has a lot of toruqe (sp?) when taking slapshots, no local people here have broken them.

i have a slower slapshot, but faster wrister with my stealth then my s-core grip

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