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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapeing Toe?

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Hi All,

I have a few ??'s

We have all seen the pro's who tape the toe of their sticks completely.

Any ideas on how to do this? What works for you guys.


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All I do is tape from the heel to the toe as per usual and then carefully tape over the toe until you cant see any blade showing at the toe any more. Then, I pinch the excess tape together all along the toe and use a pair of scissors to cut it off. It's important to pinch it good and tight to the edge of the blade and cut as tight to the blade as possible. When done properly, the whole toe is covered nicely with virtually no seam along the edge. I started taping like that this year and I really like it. It's better for doing toe drags and it also protects the blade, so it wont split as easy. I just keep a pair of scissors in my bag now.

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Thank you all,

I tries this and it works great. I wonder why I didn't think of this very simple answer before. Sorry for such a stupid question. I am using wire snippers. Mostly because they were the first thing I grabbed. But I tried sissors on my other stick and found the wire snippers work better. Maybe because they force the tape together before they cut. One again thanx.


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