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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey stick assembly

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hey guys,

for my tech project i have decided to build a wooden hockey stick. I am very curious as too the assemblt process of building a wooden hokcey stick as well as they different types of woods and materials used to build them. Any help would be greatly appreciated, whether it be directly form you or form a webiste anything would be alot of help. At the end id like to give a cool paint job and possibly grip. If interested i will add pics of the builigin of the stick. In case it wasnt mentioned before i will be making the shaft and blade from scratch. This project is worth 30% of my grade so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot guys(and girls). any questions jsut pm me or write them ehre. thanks again

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any recomendations as 2 the type or compamny?

3m is what i use but anty companys would work,just go to your local hardware store and pick up a can for $5

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nearly all quality woodies nowadays are made of an aspen core with birch veneer on the shaft, and an ash blade. a lot have fiberglas reinforcement now, too - both shaft and especially blade. if you want to go old school, shafts used to be made out of elm, but dutch elm disease has driven up elm prices by eliminating a lot of the supply. ash is what's used for baseball bats, and i've seen it recommended for hockey sticks, too.

if this is a school project, though, i would suggest experimenting with different materials to see how they affect the stick. does a different kind of wood make it lighter/more durable/etc? just a thought.


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nearly all quality woodies nowadays are made of an aspen core with birch veneer on the shaft, and an ash blade. a lot have fiberglas reinforcement now, too - both shaft and especially blade. if you want to go old school, shafts used to be made out of elm, but dutch elm disease has driven up elm prices by eliminating a lot of the supply. ash is what's used for baseball bats, and i've seen it recommended for hockey sticks, too.

if this is a school project, though, i would suggest experimenting with different materials to see how they affect the stick. does a different kind of wood make it lighter/more durable/etc? just a thought.


i made the mistake of using pine as my extensions that i made in wood tech,at practice i went to take slap shot and the thing broke in a snap,canadian maple would make a stong stick

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so i finished my stick jsut the other day, overall it came out great, the shatf is sweet but the blade is a piece of jink. didnt really know how to curve the blade or apply fibreglass so it looks terrible where the blade is, if any1 has questions or wants to see some pics, psot them here.

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so i finished my stick jsut the other day, overall it came out great, the shatf is sweet but the blade is a piece of jink. didnt really know how to curve the blade or apply fibreglass so it looks terrible where the blade is, if any1 has questions or wants to see some pics, psot them here.

Yes pictures please. :D

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