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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Epoxy for............

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.........my Mission Generator Team Carbon chassis.

I've got a small crack forming. They're still pretty structurally sound but I want to lenghten the life expectancy on these frames a bit more.

I've thought about cheap ol' regular epoxy, that bonds to fiberglass but would that bond to carbon?



Or should I shell out 17 bucks, buy the epoxy made for carbon arrows and try that?



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if i were you i would replace the chassis ASAP... you don't want the skate breaking on ya while your stopping and breaking your ankle or leg. :unsure:

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do what they do in airplanes when they find cracks.. drill it.. or.. maybe you should replace it.. ;)

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if i were you i would replace the chassis ASAP... you don't want the skate breaking on ya while your stopping and breaking your ankle or leg. :unsure:

Yeah, that seems like the best advice, but I just really like these chassis. Had'em since my freshman year of college and found'em sitting in my closet.

Guess there's an end to everything :(

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I would replace your fame ASAP. I have never heard of using epoxy to repair a frame. I use epoxy on my scuff guards though when they start to where down I use PC-7. But for a frame I don’t think that is such a good idea. I have heard stories of where people break the frame on the skate and it comes up into your boot and breaks your leg so I agree with shute. You need to replace your frames.

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Yea, I've had my frames break before, not a good experience although nothing bad really happened to me. You may get lucky and have the epoxy hold but it would be pretty risky.

This is kind of off topic but has anyone ever tried that carbon fiber arrow epoxy on carbon fiber blades that have started to get nicked up/crack from use. I have tried regular epoxy on occasion(to try to protect the bottom of the blade, etc) but it always just falls off. I wonder if this stuff might mimic the actual epoxy that is used on the blades in the first place.

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well i have done that with appoxy PC-7 it diddnt really work. best thing is probably just tape your stick every time it starts to show ware on the bottom.

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Apply some of that tuff-toe stuff for skate toes to the bottom of the stick blade.

Alright, I'll have to try that sometime. Thanks

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