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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates to fit

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Im thinking of getting a new pair of skates, but am not sure if they are too small,when standing, my toes touch the end, not crushed. I'm 15, and a size 10 1/2 u.s. so doubt my feet will grow much more. At what point of my toes touching the end should i get new skates? When my toes are bursting at the seams, or now?

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From what i have learned, most ppl like there toes to feather the front of their skates. Have you heat fitted your saktes yet? Doing so will stretch them a little.

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you want your toes to touch the end, but just barely. they'll feel like they're getting small to you because you're used to wearing a skate that's too big so you can grow into it, but if your toes are touching, it's the right size. my advice would be to hold onto the skates you have now until they're really uncomfortable. personal experience: when i was 16, i bought a pair of ccm inline skates in a size 8 because i figured i would be growing for a few more years. your feet are the first part of your body to stop growing, so it turned out that i didn't grow anymore, and now i've got an old pair of skates that's unusable.

the more space you have in your skates, the less direct the energy transfer, meaning you won't get as much power in your stride. also, the rubbing caused by your foot moving around will probably give you blisters. in general, smaller is better. go as small as you can without feeling uncomfortable.

if i were you, i'd wait until the skates were really too small. until then, if they feel ok still, keep skating.

full disclosure: i hate change and i'm not the kind of person who likes to buy new skates. i'm of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy. so keep that in mind when listening to my advice.


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you want your toes to touch the end, but just barely. they'll feel like they're getting small to you because you're used to wearing a skate that's too big so you can grow into it, but if your toes are touching, it's the right size. my advice would be to hold onto the skates you have now until they're really uncomfortable. personal experience: when i was 16, i bought a pair of ccm inline skates in a size 8 because i figured i would be growing for a few more years. your feet are the first part of your body to stop growing, so it turned out that i didn't grow anymore, and now i've got an old pair of skates that's unusable.

the more space you have in your skates, the less direct the energy transfer, meaning you won't get as much power in your stride. also, the rubbing caused by your foot moving around will probably give you blisters. in general, smaller is better. go as small as you can without feeling uncomfortable.

if i were you, i'd wait until the skates were really too small. until then, if they feel ok still, keep skating.

full disclosure: i hate change and i'm not the kind of person who likes to buy new skates. i'm of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy. so keep that in mind when listening to my advice.


Good response. Also, keep in mind a skate that's a little small can be stretched to fit perfect. So when the toes feel crunched, have them stretched. When "testing", make sure knees are bent, ala hockey stance.. this pulls the toes away from the cap.

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