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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Molding blades

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Has anyone ever trieds molding their blades on like a synergy or another one piece? i had a friend that molded his blade on a montreal one piece, but when i tried doing what he did, which is heating the blade up over the stove, it started to turn different colors and make wierd sounds. i stopped because i didn't want to kill a brand new inno one piece but i still want to know how to do it.

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DONT DO IT........You cant heat mold composites without loosing stiffness and having them break very soon....Your better off selling your 140.00 stick next time rather than trying to curve it......YOur stick is most likely ruined now...

And for refrence, please try the "search" button

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You should'nt use an open flame stove in the first place if you are. If you have a heat gun Im pretty sure its gradual heat and bending and not to heat it too much in one place. Bending comps will significatly decrease durability anyways so its not a smart idea.

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i just recently curved my rbk 6k and it went smooth,the only problem was a couple little bubbles,but dont heat each side for more than a minute and a half at most,also when curving make sure you apply pressure evenly .

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i just wish i could find one perfect blade.

What you could do is buy a bunch of cheap wooden blades and heat them up and bend them until you find a curve you like and then get some custom Christians done up. I don't think there are as many durability problems with wood heat curvings either.

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