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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jofa 5500 elbow pads

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I am looking for some new elbow pads for my squirt age son. He presently uses jofa 5500 xxs. Since reebok bought jofa they changed the numbering system. I am looking for the same pad only in a different size. I have looked online, but what compares now in reebok to the 5500? thanks

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Here are the corresponding models/price points

(Series= Shin (SG), Shouler (SP), Elbow (EP))

3K series replaces 5500 series.

4K series replaces 6500 series

5K series replaces 7500 series.

Then it gets more complicated...

8K SP replaces 9800, EP replaces 9177, SG Replaces 9090

7K SP replaces (9700, 9500), EP replaces 9144, SG Replaces 9060

6K SP replaces (9400), EP Replaces 9135, SG replaces 9040

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