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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Hockey Visor

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I believe that visor is certified. The non-certified visors are usually just held onto the helmet by the screws on the side only with no screws on the top. But aren't all full visors certified?

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I think that visor attaches on the side though. I don't think it opens and closes. Im not certain though. I wonder why oakley doesnt have a section for hockey on there website?

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I think that visor attaches on the side though. I don't think it opens and closes. Im not certain though. I wonder why oakley doesnt have a section for hockey on there website?

thats because it's on the CCM Site now

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When you scroll down on the product description it says " The Combo will attach to any helmet with 2 bolts on the front. All mounting hardware is included."

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I believe that visor is certified. The non-certified visors are usually just held onto the helmet by the screws on the side only with no screws on the top. But aren't all full visors certified?

Maybe the rules are different in North America than in Europe? Here's an example of a popular visor in Sweden, a Jofa visor that many people using Jofa helmets use. No screws on top, and this one is certified (in Sweden anyway).


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It goes up and down like any cage/full visor. My friend has one, it's certified to answer your original question.

What does your friend think about the Oakley visor?

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It goes up and down like any cage/full visor. My friend has one, it's certified to answer your original question.

What does your friend think about the Oakley visor?

He likes it I guess, or else he would have taken it off by now. It never fogs up, but it might be the ugliest thing I have ever seen.

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It looks like (maybe if you had longer screws) you could mount the cage and sheild solidly (no swinging mechanism) to the holes on the side of your helmet. That would be interesting.

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i have the same visor/cage combo myself and i couldn't say enough about it. it's a little heavy but it's field of view especially the bottom view where the puck ends up when your stick handling is the best I’ve tried and i've tried almost everything out there.

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everyone always say that the oakley visors are listed on the ccm web page, i know how to get to the main ccm page but where are the visors listed?

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