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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Shin Pads

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If i had a choice between Jofa 9090 shin pads and RBK 5k shin pads which would be a better choice? i know that the 9090's are top of the line from last year but then again companys usually put "new"/ top of the line technology into their middle of the road products for the next year. I know there are similar topics on this but i want specific answers cause im picky,( ill be playing high school and 18U A this year so i need pretty good protection as a defensemen) Also my hespler shin pads are 16" they are a LITTLE short (they touch the top of the boot when i wear them over the tounge) now with my ccms and i am getting s400 (lower cut skate) so should i get 17" in the RBK/Jofa pads???? any help would be greatly appreciated


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I'd get the RBK because they have 3 straps and not just the one that comes on the older Jofa models. Get the skates and then see what size shin fits best, that way there is no guessing.

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the 5ks are great shinguards ,but say you get 16" they are about a cm longer than other brands

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