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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OSX on Intel?

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As a former Mac user, I've always felt Macs were easy to use, but difficult to own.

In other words, it was tough when they're were two modems ranging in price from $79-$109, whereas the Windows world had eight ranging from $29-$119. Software was the same way, as well as the computer itself. I finally voted with my pocketbook and switched platforms. There is no doubt that Macs were better at the time I switched, but I really haven't used one recently to know if they still are easier to use.

Anyone use both? How do they compare?

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As a former Mac user, I've always felt Macs were easy to use, but difficult to own.

In other words, it was tough when they're were two modems ranging in price from $79-$109, whereas the Windows world had eight ranging from $29-$119. Software was the same way, as well as the computer itself. I finally voted with my pocketbook and switched platforms. There is no doubt that Macs were better at the time I switched, but I really haven't used one recently to know if they still are easier to use.

Anyone use both? How do they compare?

I somewhat use both. I use a Mac at school almost everyday and then a Windows PC at home. I also have a Linux (Fedora Core 3) box to mess around with.

Mac - ($1499 for hardware) Creative, graphics, video, OSX runs good on minimal hardware

Windows - ($999 for hardware)internet, email, chat, easy for starters. For every new Windows version, more powerful hardware is needed.

Linux - (<$400 for hardware) Very advanced but you can make you desktop look like a Mac, PC, or anything you want. The OS is free and can run great on minimal hardware. Especially great on your old PC. (If anyone has an old PC that you don't want I will buy it off you, PM me.

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