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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Glove Order

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Does anybody know how long a custom glove order would take to arrive if i ordered it from my lhs. Im not sure if all shops are the same or not but usually how long does it take. Also does it cost extra money to order. thx

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Yes, it normally cost extra money, and as graz, said, it depends of the company, model, availability and time of the year. Normally, the store isn't influencing the lenght when we are talking about custom glove.

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Black & Gold,

I don't know how all manufacturers are, but I'd estimate three months production time and one month shipping time for our custom gloves. It's possible that they might take only two months production time, and they could take three days for shipping if you paid for air freight, but it costs about eight times as much to ship by air versus boat. Obviously, any manufactuer would pass along those costs, so you're far better off planning ahead and anticipating as much as four months total time. When you think about, if you're expecting four months and it takes three months plus a week, you're a lot happier than if you're expecting three months and it takes four months.

For us, custom gloves increase the price by $15 retail; I have no idea how much other companies do/don't charge. Our biggest expense versus a normal production run is shipping, since a custom order is a minimum of 25, which is far less than we're normally shipping.

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