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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pump tacks

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i was near a play it agian sports yesterday and decided to stop in. all of their used gear was at 50% off, and they had some nice stuff that was in good shape. i found a pair of ccm pump tacks that are in awesome shape and had tuuk holders put on them. i had to buy them cuz my gf said one day the only way she would go skating with me is if she had them. i picked them up for $20 and a slighty used tackla girdle for $15. they hadsome other great deals. if any one wants to go it is in hayannis mass.

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You're a lucky bastardo.

I had 752 Kevlars "custom fits", not pumps. They were awesome but I always wanted a pair of Pumps. I didn't care which model Tacks they come on either.

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the pump inflates on the ankle and in the tounge to give a better fit. i actually played in them today, and they were pretty good, and the pump does help with the fit.

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