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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike V12 skates

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I was just checking out some V12 skates, and noticed that the EE and D width skates of the same size had different length steel on them - the EE having the next size up from the D's. Anyone know why that is?

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Usually the wider a skate is, the longer its cut. Case in point, I would need a 6 in a flexlite, but a 7d in a Vapor XXX / 6.5EE. I'm not saying these actually fit my feet, but in terms of proper length.

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I'm pretty sure that an 9EE skate is the same length as a 9D skate, but I know what you're talking about - if you really need an EE you can go up a half size or so in a D as a last resort to get the little bit of extra wdith. However, as I just said, the actual length of a 9D and a 9EE (for example) are the same, but the 9EE has the next steel size up from the 9D, and I'm still wondering why.

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