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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Getting used to a diff curve....

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Hey guys, I just switched heads from a Koho semi Comp Jagr-----> CCM Full comp Lecavelier. Had one training session and I noticed things like puckhandling and in particular shooting are really off. I took a well timed shot at the top right corner of the net on Tues night and it glanced off missing the goals completely going left! I've also noticed diminished power in my shot when using the CCM.

Are there any tips you guys can offer to make the transition between the two curves/blades any easier?

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The only thing that's going to help is just a bunch of one on one time with you and your new blade. Is there a reason why you switched patterns? I ask because I have done it too thinking that "Yeh, with this one I am just going to be a sniper", and then found out I can't shoot worth a poop with it. I ALWAYS keep coming back to a Modano clone. There is a reason people stick with one pattern after a while. Good luck.

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Try doing everything from the heel of you're blade. Use more of a snapping motion with everything rather than a smooth wrist shot motion. You'll get similar advice for the Drury, but it should help with the Lecavalier as well.

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Yeah, Wicked, I've had the same theory. That being, "This bigger curve is gonna get me more goals" etc. But, like you said, I just keep coming back to the Modo. It's what I've been using for like 5 years now, and it's like Old Faithful to me. I can do anything I need to do with it. Does take a lil extra work to get the puck up high quick, but it gets up there...eventually.

Thinking about the Iginla. Buddy of mine had one, and I really liked the curve. I don't like the toe though. Couldn't they just make it completely square like the hull or shanahan? Seriously, it's like the factory workers get lazy and don't square off the whole toe, leaving one cornver somewhat rounded. Plus, the lie is .5 off for me. I'm totally a 5, so just that .5 seems to mess with me. I'm sure I could get used to it, but for now, it's Old Faithful!

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Funny you should mention the Iginla. I tried it and really liked the curve, but like you I need the lower lie. I actually like the Inno Fedorov (4.5) possibly more, but it's such a pain to get on short notice I stick with the Modo. Right now my main stick is a Response+ Tkachuk and I really like it too. Of course it's a Modano clone.

Sorry to thread-jack :o

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Did the Iginla lie really mess up your game?

I have an R2 and PTC Tkachuk and the lie on that seems a bit off for me too. I couldn't really get used to it.

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The TPS is nice; not perfect, but nice. PM me if yours is RH and you want to get rid of it. I have a couple of Christain (wood) customs that are in the ballpark of what you might be looking for.

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Sadly, I'm a lefty. Thanks for the offer. I have a ton of blades that just sit in a box. I'm one of those guys that uses a blade once or twice and moves on. One day I'll prob just sell the bunch on Ebay to get rid of them.

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Try doing everything from the heel of you're blade. Use more of a snapping motion with everything rather than a smooth wrist shot motion. You'll get similar advice for the Drury, but it should help with the Lecavalier as well.

I have the final soon of the FIRS league I play in here so I won't swap till then.

But thats awesome advice Eazy.....cheers and thanks matey. It may help my technique in general as well as my wristers have been lacking some serious power and accuracy lately... :(

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