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Shin Splints

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Anyone here ever experience shin splints? I am almost positive I am experiencing them now after looking up on them and knowing that my shin has hurt for the past 2.5 days. How do you deal with them? What do you do? Any help would be great. Thanks


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I've had them numerous times from running track and cross country. What I found to help is taking aspirin for the pain and icing. Ofcourse give them a couple days rest and when it hurts to rest, I've found that after time they eventually go away and after mine went away I haven't had any cases of shin splints since, but thats just me.

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Yeah I read that in most cases it comes from running track...but I don't do that kind of stuff, so I don't know what it could be...I'm only playing hockey 1-2 times a week and I rarely run otherwise besides Gym Class

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I thought it was caused from the muscles in you're legs strenghtening. You'll generally feel it in your shins, like you would in you're last rep of a curl, but because of the positioning it feels different. Give it some time, but keep working out. Mine have been very minor and usually come when I start running.

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Well, mine didn't help as I also suffer from Osgood Schlaughter's Disease in both knees. My shin splints lasted a little longer than most of my friends partially because of OSD. But like Eazy said, they're something that you need to give time to heal.

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thanks eazy and d-man...i realized they started hurting a lot more today after i ran a lot, i had to because i was at the driving range with my friend and it started pouring with thunder and everything(me and him were the smart ones with golf clubs in our hand, woops)...but after that is when it really started to hurt, and it still does now, a good 4 hours after we got home

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they hurt pretty bad, but they will soon be gone. they usually last 2-4 days. if it lasts much longer than that for you, i would suggest seeing a doctor because it might be something else. but if they are shin splints, then they should be gone in a few days

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yeah the pain has reduced a lot today, didn't even recognize anything, and went through roller hockey practice with no troubles what so ever, so I'm hoping they're gone

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i had them a couple of days ago from playing lacrosse in gym,i havent ran heavily in a couple of months and they started to hurt really bad,they went away after 3 days,hopefully they never come back

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hopefully they never come back

Yeah I hope they don't come back either...they hurt so bad, at points I had to walk with a major limp, and the pain would be constant

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