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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Game

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Fatal Frame 3 :D

A very cool game; very nice graphics and a great storyline. Also scary. Very scary. Don't play with lights out. You are a japanese girl with a magic camera with which you have to kill ghosts etc etc... Instead of me telling you about it go view the trailer:

Fatal Frame 3

Just to let you know, I have not played it, but I have played the previous installment (Fatal Frame 2) Also very cool and scary graphics seem just as good as Fatal Frame 3 (like they didn't improve them or something). It is out now and I suggest you go buy it (PS2 only).

PS Fatal Frame 3 comes out in Fall 2005

PPS Anyone beat Fatal Frame 2? :ph34r: :(

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yeah i just saw it a few days ago - its scary to think that they could do that to me or whoever the 30% that it works on is.

They seriously messed with that guys head - but i enjoyed it - like at the end where he was saying the game was "wicked" and started getting all excited :P :P

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