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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nationals in Colorado?

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I was just wondering if anyone here was going to the nationals coming up that are in Colorado. The team I play for is going. We are playing in the Silver division I have never been to these nationals before. If you’re going what age group and division are you going to be in? ill be in u14 age group playing for the Jr. Tour Typhoon.

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This tournement is just called nationals. i dont know why but thats what they call it. Its a pertty big tournement and i am going. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to it.

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This tournement is just called nationals. i dont know why but thats what they call it. Its a pertty big tournement and i am going. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to it.

When and where will it be?

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The USA inline nationals are in new jersey. My team was about to go but then we started to have problems with people not staying on the team, and half of us are on the state wars team which is the week after nationals. ok sorry back to the topic. What nationals is this? is there a site?

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This tournement is just called nationals. i dont know why but thats what they call it. Its a pertty big tournement and i am going. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to it.

When and where will it be?

A friend of mine is taking his son out there as well. I believe this is the place. It took me half an hour to find the website.


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A friend of mine is taking his son out there as well. I believe this is the place. It took me half an hour to find the website.

i am on that persons sons team.

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