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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steve Kariya Synergy = Curve?

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whats up fellas, my prostock synergy finally broke on me this past weekend, now im scrambling for anything close to it. it pretty much looked like a modano with more lift but now that ive done a lil looking around on here it sort of resembles the Roenick Pro Curve but then agian the roenick kinda looks like a drury. but before i shell out my cash over the internet i was hoping someone would know what pro synergy is similar to the roenick. what about the sp100? does anyone have pics? thanks. roenicksynergys7jx.jpg

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Someone had a Dimitrakos XN10 for sale. That is the KP curve.

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Sorry i can't tell you much about pro-stocks, but I am telling you man if you want a fantastci curve definitely go with the Drury, has a nice sweet spot, perfect for slaps as well as a handy kick at the toe for the little flicks. with the right amount of flex (for your stick) it can be a bullet of a wrister as well. For some reason, I don't find that it is a very good lobber or saucer passing blade...

Just my input. :blink:

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here's a sort of a bad pic of a kp curve. old pic i had uploaded. it makes it look more open then it is. kariya on the left. its a blade, but same curve as kp synergys.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

here's a sort of a bad pic of a kp curve. old pic i had uploaded. it makes it look more open then it is. kariya on the left. its a blade, but same curve as kp synergys.

KP stands for Kariya Pro.

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SP = Sundins or whatever he used. I've posted his Si-Core around here somewhere but it's pretty much his XN10 curve as well. Big, sloping heel with a nice amount of shovel to it.

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