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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gloves with "open" grip?

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Does anyone know of gloves which have a naturally open grip? I'd like a glove that lets me open my hand easily to pick up dropped sticks, pucks, etc., and also because I switch from holding the stick one or two handed sometimes. I find that most gloves prevent me from opening my hand easily because they're naturally curled to grip the stick, notably at or towards the fingertips. Also, I find the "excess" material at the index finger on some gloves keep getting in the way because I find them naturally very closed gripped.

I'm currently using '02 Mission Warp Zeros that has that open grip. Any ideas on alternatives?

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Of all the gloves I've used, I've felt that my Eagle x70's were the loosest, both in fit, and in grip.

Give it a try at your LHS, it just gets better and better as you break it in.


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I have to agree. the X70 is an amazing glove which feels incredible from the get-go and does gradually loosen up and get even more comfy (which is hard to believe...you think its great when new). The X80's and 90's are a bit stiffer.

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our trigger finger provides that ease.

Actually, I thought it felt more like it would wrap around the stick. Seemed to push the finger away from the palm more. I could see why it would grip better but that runs counter to being more open.

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