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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike skate

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Super heavy skates if you compare with what's out today. But still i like nike products.

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Not a bad skate, but you can do better for super cheap. Rather than get 6 year old top of the line on the cheap, you can get 2 year old top of the line.

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i personally wouldnt buy that skate because like stated earlier, its very heavy, and you can get a much better skate for the money. also, they waterlog very easily.

if you look around, you can find a top of the line skate from around 02'though 03' for a prettty good deal

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I've told this story a million times, but I'll do it again. A friend (Devereaux Heshmatpour, Oshawa Generals) decided to go all Nike when they first released their hockey stuff. He got really bad foot pains, and the doctor asked to see the skates. The rest goes something like the doctor took a sledge hammer and took care of the skates.

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