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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth Intermediate

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Has anyone used a Stealth Intermediate ,and if so how does the flex feel is it a true 65 or more like a 75?

The Stealth Intermediate is a 65. From what I hear though, the new Easton 65 is more like the old 75.

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They're from what i can feel the same as the 75, not sure what the point in changing form the old flexes. All the people always rate a sticks flex by eastons system, so this could get confusing.

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Why? They didn't change their scale, they just lowered the flex. Most people won't be able to tell a big difference between a 65 and 75, especially at that age.

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Eazy, I've used 85, 100, 65 flex Stealth's. The 100 was an 85, the 85 felt like a 95, and the 65 felt like a 75, and I'm that age. The 100 was a first run, and the other two were obviously second. The first gen ones are whippier. To answer the original question, it feels like a 75. Not as much rubber bandness as I thought it would be.

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It was like the Si-Cores, IMO, there flexs were totally out of whack, my 2 100 Flexs when i had them felt closer to 80-85's.. and my current SL Grip 110, is deffinatly a 100 compared to the 03/04 Yellow Grip..

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