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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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gaborik curve

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It'll depend on the person using it. It's essentially the same as the Yzerman pattern. If you're looking for a Modano type pattern, it's been renamed the Forsberg.

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It's trial and error, seeing what works best for you. Try out a few woodies or blades to try and find "your curve" and then go from there. No one curve is universally good.

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As eazy said, its trial and error, but the Gaborik/Yzerman is seriously the most disturbing looking curve ever.. i really cant understand why its on the Easton curve line up, to me, it just look awkward, i couldn't see how i could stickhandle or shoot with it.. but again, personal prefrence..

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Well theres one positive thing..

if you are climbing a mountain and you can pull yourself up easily with your Grapplehook, or should i say Gaborikhook ;)

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Well theres one positive thing..

if you are climbing a mountain and you can pull yourself up easily with your Grapplehook, or should i say Gaborikhook ;)

LOL :lol:

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Gaborik/Yzerman is a really popular curve for the younger age group because for them the bigger the curve the better. I find that the curve is really hard to get used to it and backhands r terrible with it.

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Totally off topic, but does the Forsberg curve seem like its actually got a little more curve than the Modano? I was at my lhs the other day and saw a Forsberg ST and the curve seemed a little larger than the Modano...

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I used the Yzerman for a while, and I liked it a lot. Just like any curve what works for some doesn't for others, but depending how you play this curve might work for ya.

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I used the Yzerman for a while, and I liked it a lot. Just like any curve what works for some doesn't for others, but depending how you play this curve might work for ya.

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