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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Footlocker.com shipping experience?

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I was plaing to buy 1 pair of boot and 2 pair of shoes on footlocker.com

First i thought they would only ship to USA but they do ship international...

1.on the website they said it could take about 20 day to be shipped...(it seem a bit long 20 days....) anyone know if this thing is true??

2.They advertise the duty.tax and all other border fees and it is told that Canada may ask about 14 to 23% of the total cost...Do you know if any other fees may apply??

3.And when they mean U.S Mail...is this USPS??

Oh well, all i ask is if anybody here have in the past made business with footlocker.com( it would even be better for me if it was somebody from CANADA)

Thanks guys,

I just don't whant to get rip off by duty and everything!

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nope if you take a look...footlocker.ca is nothing compared to .com

and Dada doesnt seem to be well-know/selling well in Canada...even in Montreal beside Athletic world i have a hard time finding their model...

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I worked at Champs Sports for two months, which is part of Foot Locker Inc, and I shipped UPS Ground. When you order through stores or the site, they locate the closest store to you that has the shoes. Then the store sends it out.

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thanks....how long would it take doesnt bother me that much... but it really the little extra duty that may apply

any idea??just before i put my order on...because i remember buying a hockey blade from peranis at 27us and i paid 13CAN of border fees!!but it was shipped by the brown

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yeah i ordered from them, the botched the order, and sent me 2 pairs. and didnt charge me, but next month when the bill came in, and ive worn both. they charged me for the other pair. no duties though.

depends what you buy too, cause if you buy a shoe, or boot that is not being sold in canada, you can get it duty free.

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