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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I guess iPod updated all of ther iPods except for the mini and shuffle to get back on top. They made everyone with a color screen and the ability to hold photos. They also kept the new 20G at the same price as the old one.

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hey guys, hate to say this about a product that is designed here in Singapore. Creative products are pretty good for the first year or so, but are not as robust as the apple products. I have a friend who works as a design engineer at Creative Labs in Singapore, and even he is telling me to go apple. Not that he doesnt believe in his product, just that apple seems to give lesser problems...

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hey guys, hate to say this about a product that is designed here in Singapore. Creative products are pretty good for the first year or so, but are not as robust as the apple products. I have a friend who works as a design engineer at Creative Labs in Singapore, and even he is telling me to go apple. Not that he doesnt believe in his product, just that apple seems to give lesser problems...

Mines been fine and so are alot of others from what Ive heard. Im not a creative whore but I dont want your post to stray away people for the wrong reasons.

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