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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xx with blue tuuks

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there is not enough difference in color (in my experience) between platinum and silver to tell the difference (which is why I laugh when people get wedding bands in white gold or platinum - from a distance, it looks like silver and defeats the bragging rights purpose as such).

When have you ever seen a woman show off her wedding ring from a distance????? :D

FWIW, I can tell the difference between silver, platinum, and white gold at close range.

I'm an odd duck myself, I wanted a stainless steel wedding band. I couldn't find one so I went with Titanium which is a dull gray. (The gold is Titanium oxide I believe.)

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"Presumable you're wanting this for the amount of time it'd retain it's sharpness? For there is not enough difference in color (in my experience) between platinum and silver to tell the difference (which is why I laugh when people get wedding bands in white gold or platinum - from a distance, it looks like silver and defeats the bragging rights purpose as such).

But this is just one guy's opinion..... " from ogie

Actually I was just thinking of platinum because it is expensive, I have no idea about its properties.

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