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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the ultimate pitch thread!

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Hi guys,

First of all, i thought this could be a great idea to talk about pitch problem....

MOD/USER:if you think this thread is useless then close it...but i think it could go in the review section...with Holder...

I made some search in the skate review section but did not found a lot of think!

I think it a big(well...big, let say a important factor) factor when you are going to buy a skate...

I will talk about my experience: I skate in 1152 with t'blades for 2 year now, i had a chance to demo the flexlite v12 for 2 weeks...in 5 hours of skating...i wasn't enought confident with the skate that i didn't buy them...

Problem: in store, they fit so WELL! wow they are fantastic, once on the ice, it another thing!!! IMO, it a problem with the pitch of the Lightspeed over my t'blades...but now i'm sure if i buy the Flexlite and put t'blades on...it will resolve my problem!!

So i thought that modsquad user could post their experience with pitch problem( like i was using the Tuuk+ and hate them so i put mission pitch and wow they are fantastic)

So any advice/experience with my Ligthspeed/T'blades problem would be nice...or any other holder...i have a Nike/Bauer ptich problem...maybe some one else is having a problem with CCM holder!!!??

Anyways, i still think it a important factor when buying skate because in the shop, you CAN'T really notice the pitch,it only once you are on ice, you can!

See ya,

Hopefully i made something useful....!

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i went from graf 735s with t blades to vapour 30s with ls2s and suprisingly im pretty much used to the pitch. The first 10 minutes i thought i was gonna fall on my rear ,i didnt but it sure felt like it. I think ill end up loving the pitch in them though ,because already i think its helped my stride ,turning and crossovers ,backwards skating is tougher though.

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My biggest adjustment was when I went form RazorBladz to Cobras, I felt like I was going to go face first into the ice for the whole practice. I got used to it but when I tried to go from Cobras-LS I felt like I was going to fall on my back and had to get lifts.

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in my experience, prolite3 have pretty the same pitch as the t'blades.

and a little question, do you think if i put t'blades on flexlite it will feel like my 1152?? or the nike/bauer have a boot pitch too?

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Bauer, CCM, and Easton were no biggie for me to get used to. I tried going from grafs to Eastons and while my feet were really comfortable the pitch was too flat I and I felt slow. Turned out after 3 practices I got used to them and they have been fine ever since.

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