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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Many Diffrent Grips...

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...and my apologies to the guy who started the thread if he wasn't looking for this response. I didn't read the smaller print in the thread name before I posted but this is what I have seen out there.

Truth be told, anything you put on the lower part of your stick to help you grip it is going to increase friction and therefore also the wear on the gloves.

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Since you guys mentioned that wax nor hair spray works, I decided to experiment on my older L-2. I figured, since hair spray is a little tacky, I would combine wax and hair spray to get a product that doesnt wear off right away yet something that is tacky.

Well it turned out really good. The grip allows you to slide but is still tacky. Im not sure how durable it is though but I have been playing around at my house and there are no signs of wear yet.

For those intrested on how I did it:

I took some low grit sandpaper and I sanded the part that I wanted grip on. I sanded it until the paint was rough and coarse. THen, I sprayed it with hairspray and I let it dry off (about a min). I then liberaly applied my wax (Topshelf Wax) all over the sanded area and I evened it out. Afterwards, I used the same sand paper to further even it out and then I put more hair spray on top. One thing though, make sure that there are no big buildups (parts where the wax is white). THe wax should be clear on the shaft. If not the wax will move around easily, defeating the purpose of using hairspray.

Anyway, it worked for me. For those who are willing to try it, tell me how it worked for you.

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